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DISD School Board Agenda

The School Board agenda each month is posted online prior to the Board meeting. You may view the current and past agendas by following the link below.​

The Denison ISD Board of Trustees meets the third Tuesday of each month (in most cases). Please refer to the School Board Meeting Calendar page to verify meeting dates.

The Denison ISD Board of Trustees meets at 6:30 pm in the Bruce T. Hibbett Board Room in the Denison ISD Administration Building located at 1201 S. Rusk. The meetings are open to the public.  


DENISON ISD BOARD OF TRUSTEES | Denison Independent School District 
1201 S. Rusk Avenue, Denison, TX 75020 
January 21, 2025
Published for DISD employees on the morning after school board meetings 
NOTE: Attachments for agenda items can be viewed by visiting the Board of Trustees agenda site at:

Denison ISD Board of Trustees President Bob Rhoden called to order the Meeting of the Denison ISD Board of Trustees on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. In the Denison ISD in the Bruce T. Hibbett Board Room at the Denison ISD Administration Building in Denison, Texas. The Board began the meeting with Board Vice-President presenting the role of the Board of Trustees. “Board meetings are a public meeting of the Board of Trustees, not a meeting of the public. Day-to-day operations of the school district is the function of the Superintendent, but he or she must do so within the framework of policies and priorities adopted by the Board of Trustees.” The meeting continued with the Pledge of Allegiance led by J Presley Peterman from Lamar Elementary followed by the invocation by Denison ISD assistant superintendent Dr. Andru Gilbert. The vision statement of the DISD Board of Trustees, who work diligently to serve and meet the educational needs of more than 4,500 Denison ISD students, states “The Denison Independent School district will inspire, enable and encourage all students to learn, grow and succeed in a global society.”    

During the Board comments portion of the meeting, trustees stated… 

Board member Eric Hunt: “And as you all know, we're in a season near and dear to my heart. So, I want to give recognition and congratulations to Coach Bigelow and the high school powerlifting teams on how much their program has grown. This past week, our girls competed in Sherman and won their meet and took home both the trophies for outstanding lifters and the heavy and the light platforms. And then our varsity boys went to Princeton and won their meet. So, a very successful weekend for them.” 

Board member Amber Pilcher: “As a parent with kids in the school district, after Christmas, I keep trying to get the kids back to you! But no, I just appreciate everything that the school does to maintain our kids safety, especially with that snow. I hope everybody had a good time in it and was able to make some memories and we're back in the groove of it now.” 

Board vice-president Becky Russell: “Well, kind of along the lines of Eric's comments, but I've been out of town and but I kept in touch just watching the basketball team, boys basketball team, girls playing and then the weightlifting and FFA. All of these extracurricular activities that are happening after school hours. I think often about those educators that are coming in early and staying late after events. We just appreciate that extra effort and extra time they give helping to build good people.” 

Board member David Hawley: “This morning to let everybody know about the administration, the way they handle themselves. Looking at the budget, being able to make everything go in line with each other and keep the keep it down as much as possible. I want to thank everybody here that carried me a little bit because I went out of town, and came back, and now retired from Grayson County after 44 years. So, I'm proud to have served the county and I'm looking forward to having more time to spend with the school board here and the schools and teachers and everything else too.” 

Board member Linda Flemming: “I would just like to thank each department, all the people that supplied us with thoughtful gifts at Christmas. It was really appreciated. We don't get to say thank you enough to you. So, thank you. And, if this is our gift, thank you again. Especially for the Nothing Bundt Cake. You know how to get to our hearts.”  

Board secretary Shelle Cassell: “Last week, I sat in on a TASB community advocacy panel. They were talking about how to build a coalition within your community and how to get advocates on the side of public education. Public education is being questioned from lots of different angles. And it just made me appreciate the time and energy that each of our members of our community are serving on that facilities plan. It made me really appreciate their commitment to helping us be a good district.” 

Board president Bob Rhoden: “It's an exciting time when we look at the things that our facilities planning committee is wrestling with and considering the growth that's headed our way. Just read a D Magazine article last week. It was very good. It looks like some of you may have seen that. It was very good. Rex Glendenning and Mayor Plyler and their take on what the growth is and what it's going to look like. Even though it was an article about Sherman, my friend Tony Kaai will tell you that it affects Sherman, it affects us. We're excited and looking forward to the future and the things that are going to change for the district. So, we'll be hearing more about that in the very near future. I did want to thank Mr. Hawley for his service to the county for all those years. Foury-four years and we appreciate the fact that he's still here with us on the school board, that he's going to be able to take a little bit of time to catch his breath a little bit and not be on call. We certainly appreciate your service.”  

Following the Board comment portion of the meeting, the agenda opened the floor for public comments. There were no public comments and the Board meeting proceeded to the Superintendent comments.  

Denison ISD Superintendent Dr. David Kirkbride: “Just a couple of points of information to let the board know about. A portion of our leadership team will be leaving Sunday to go to annual Midwinter. Conference in Austin. That is always a great time of learning and networking, not just with other people across the state, but also among our own leadership team. And I am confident that Dr. Gilbert will get us there in about an hour and a half. I'll just kind of leave it at that, but we will be leaving Sunday and we'll be coming back Wednesday. Looking forward to that. Just a reminder that the 89th legislation legislative session is underway. And, not just to the board, but everyone in the audience, and all your friends and family members, please understand how important the decisions are being made in terms of public education. It is critically important that they fund schools and we are, as I mentioned at the Economic Summit, optimistic and hopeful that our legislators will see that need. Anything that any of us can do to just keep that out on the forefront will be important. I also want to make a quick reference about Jadarian Price and the college football national championship game last night. As people have asked me about him over the course of some time, even before he went to college, and Notre Dame and all, he was a Terrell student. And I know he attended maybe another elementary school here in town. But my comment about Jadarian Price is this... he is a better human being than he has a football player and we all know he is a phenomenal football player. So, I know we're all very proud that he was on such a platform last night. And then, January is National Board Appreciation Month. I just want to take a moment just to let each of the board members know how much I appreciate your service to this community and to our students and our families and how much I appreciate the relationship that we have as a Team of Eight. We have grown in that relationship over time know that I don't take you for granted, and I don’t believe our community takes you for granted. So, thank you so much for your service to this community. I have a certificate for each so we may thank each of you individually.” 

After the Superintendent’s comments, the meeting proceeded as scheduled. 



Routine Business - Consent Agenda 

  • Approval of Board minutes for the December 2024 (11.A.1) 

  • Approve Expenditures for November 2024 (11.A.2) 

  • Approval of the November 2024 investment report (11.A.3) 

  • Approval of the November 2024 financial reports (11.A.4) 

  • Approval of the November 2024 tax reports (11.A.5) 




Agenda Item #: 11.B.1.  
Subject: Consider approval of the 2024-25 Budget Amendments   
Budget amendments are recommended to realign budgeted amounts to meet projected actual revenues and expenditures. The attachment details the recommended budget amendments. General Fund: Add $75,000 to Function 51, $50,000 to Function 53, $150,000 to Function 81, and $5,000 to Function 95. The board approved the budget amendments as presented. 
Agenda Item #: 11.B.2.  
Subject: Consider appointment of Budget Committee   
The Board President will appoint three members of the Board to serve on the 2025- 2026 Budget Committee. The following organizations will be represented on the committee:  
  • President of the Denison Classroom Teachers Association 
  • President of the Denison Principals Association 
  • A Representative from the District Site Based Committee 
(Note: New officers of the DCTA are elected during the Spring Semester and new officers for the DPA are elected at the beginning of the new school year. Should the officers change before the Board Budget Committee convenes, the new presidents of each professional organization will serve on this committee.) 
Agenda Item #: 11.B.3.  
Subject: Consider approval of the order calling a Trustee election   
Public school districts in Texas are required to hold a trustee election each year. Place 3 currently held by David Hawley, Place 4 currently held by Eric Hunt Place 5 currently held by Linda Flemming, and Place 6 currently held by Amber Pilcher will be the positions open for May 3, 2025 trustee election. Wednesday January 15, 2025 is the first day to file an application for a place on the ballot. Friday, February 14, 2025 is the last day to file an application for a place on the ballot. The board approved the order calling a Trustee election. 
Agenda Item #: 11.B.4.  
Subject: Consider approval of the joint City/School election agreement   
Section 11.0581 of the Education Code requires independent school districts to conduct their annual trustee elections jointly with a municipality within the school district’s boundaries. In order to have a joint election, Denison ISD and the City of Denison, are required to approve a joint election agreement approved by both governing Boards. A copy of the election agreement is attached. The Board approved the joint City/School election agreement. 
Agenda Item #: 11.B.5.  
Subject: Consider approval of the contract for election services   
The Grayson County Election Administration is now available to conduct the elections of governmental entities in Grayson County. The election administration will be able to conduct the election at a cost that is less than what we would be able to conduct the election. We will also need to have the election administration conduct the election since we are required to hold our election jointly with the City of Denison and the City is contracting with the election administration. A copy of the contract for election services is attached. The Board approved the contract for election services. 
Agenda Item #: 11.B.6.  
Subject: Consider approval of Aluminum Fencing and Installation RFP   
Attached is the bid tabulation for the fencing RFP. This was written as an as needed contract. We will award to all vendors who responded and get quotes as needed for specific projects. Each vendor was given full points on the price as they are not providing price until we have a specific job that they will supply quotes for. We will then choose from these vendors based on quotes received per project. The board awarded the vendor proposals and they added each vendor to the aluminum fencing and installation approved vendor list.  
Agenda Item #: 11.B.7.  
Subject: Consider approval of resolution supporting the U.S. Foreign Trade Zone Program
Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZs) are specially designated sites near U.S. ports of entry that allow importers and exporters of all sizes to move goods in and out of the country paying reduced or no customs duties, taxes, or fees. Designed to help U.S. companies remain globally competitive, companies operating in an FTZ are treated as if they are outside of U.S. Customs territory for duty purposes. The board approved the resolution as presented. 
Agenda Item #: 11.C  
Subject: Acceptance of Texoma Community Foundation Grant  
Denison ISD received a $30,000 grant from the Texoma Community Foundation. This grant will be used to fund one of three Communities in Schools site coordinators for the 2025-2026 school year. The Board of Trustees accepted the $30,000 grant as presented. 
Agenda Item #: 11.D  
Subject: 2023-2027 HB 3 CCMR Board Goals  
Texas Education Code, §11.186 The Board of Trustees of each school district shall adopt college, career and military readiness plans that set specific annual goals for five school years to reach quantifiable goals for measures of college, career, and military readiness at each campus. House Bill 3 requires school boards to establish and adopt five-year goals for college, career, and military readiness (CCMR). During the 2024-25 school year, district and campus leaders worked collaboratively to analyze various progress measures related to the previous 2019-2023 CCMR goals, evaluate current levels of student performance, and develop five-year goals and annual targets focused on continued growth. House Bill 3 requirements also include posting the goals on district and campus websites and an annual review of the goals by the Board of Trustees at a public meeting. These goals will be embedded within the District Improvement Plan and Campus Improvement Plans as a focus for continued growth in these areas. The Board of Trustees adopted the 2023-2027 College, Career, and Military Ready (CCMR) goals. 


Agenda Item #: 12.A  
Subject: HB 3 Board Goals – College Career Military Readiness 2019-2023 Progress Monitoring Report  
In the July 2020 Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees adopted annual goals for five school years to reach quantifiable goals for student performance in the three areas of early childhood literacy proficiency, early childhood mathematics proficiency, and college, career, and military readiness (CCMR). To inform the Board of Trustees regarding students’ progress toward meeting the established goals in college, career, and military readiness (CCMR), the following data is presented. Data is taken from the 2023-2024 Texas Performance Reporting System (TPRS). 
Agenda Item #: 12.B  
Subject: 2023-2024 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)  
The Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) pulls together a wide range of information on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas every year. Performance is shown disaggregated by student groups, including ethnicity and socioeconomic status. The report also provides extensive information on school and district staff, programs, and student demographics. 
Agenda Item #: 12.C  
Subject: Houston Elementary School Transition to Early Childhood Campus  
As we prepare for the exciting transition of Houston Elementary School to an Early Childhood School in the Fall of 2025, we want to take a moment to honor the incredible legacy of the teachers, leaders, and staff who have served this beloved campus for generations. The Houston Elementary Bulldogs have a rich history filled with countless memories of student success, vibrant school spirit, and unwavering dedication to fostering a love of learning. From the moment our young Bulldogs first stepped onto campus, they were nurtured by a caring and committed staff who instilled in them a strong foundation for academic and personal growth. Denison ISD will have a weekly campaign to honor our Houston Elementary School Heroes through the remainder of the year. Additionally, Denison ISD would like to announce that beginning in the Fall of 2025 Houston Elementary School will be rebranded as Houston Early Childhood School (Houston ECS) and continue as the Bulldogs to honor the campus history. 
Agenda Item #: 12.D  
Subject: Personnel Report  
The following resignations were accepted:  
  • Kelly Pyle – Mayes –Dyslexia Specialist (05/23/25) Retirement  
The following employees have been hired:  
  • Linda Quiroa – DHS- Spanish (1/06/25)
  • Katherine Hodge – SMS – Math (1/06/25) 
Agenda Item 
Construction Update – Bond2023 
Denison ISD Construction Supervisor Chuck Edwards presented an update to the current construction projects associated with the 2023 bond.  


Pursuant to Section 551.074, Texas Government Code, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officer or employee: or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. 
At the conclusion of the Closed/Executive session, the Board of Trustees reconvened in Open Session. 
Following the handling of all business, the Denison ISD Board of Trustees meeting was adjourned.