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Credit by Examination

Credit-by-Exam (CBE)

Credit-by-Exam (CBE) is a testing program offered by Denison ISD for enrolled students in grades kindergarten through grade 12.  There are two reasons for administering CBE testing.  First, a student may accelerate instruction or test out of a grade level or course without having prior instruction.  Students taking CBE without prior instruction must receive a score of 80% or above on a criterion-referenced test to receive credit.  Second, a student may recover credit for a course or grade level if the student has had prior instruction and failed, provided there are extenuating circumstances.  Students in grades 6-12 taking CBE with prior instruction must receive a score of 70% or above on a criterion-referenced test to receive credit. 

Procedures for Credit-By-Exam

  • Parent/guardian or student contacts campus counselor regarding CBE.

  • Counselor provides parent/guardian or student with CBE application form.

  • Parent/guardian or student completes application form and returns form to counselor with appropriate signatures (student & parent/guardian).

  • Counselor signs completed application, and gets appropriate administrator signature.

  • Counselor forwards completed application to Director of Assessment.

  • Director of Assessment forwards appropriate tests to counselor for administering.

  • Counselor returns completed tests to Director of Assessment for scoring.

  • Campus notifies parent/guardian or student of test results.

Assessment Schedule

Applications must be received and approved 30 days prior to each assessment.

To view the entire list of exams and dates CLICK HERE