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Dyslexia Program

Tiffany Gantt 

Dyslexia Coordinator


Dyslexia Resources

Texas Education Code (TEC) §38.003 defines dyslexia and related disorders in the following way: “Dyslexia” means a disorder of constitutional origin manifested by a difficulty in learning to read, write, or spell, despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence, and sociocultural opportunity.”
“Related disorders” include disorders similar to or related to dyslexia, such as developmental auditory imperception, dysphasia, specific developmental dyslexia, developmental dysgraphia, and developmental spelling disability.
The Denison ISD Dyslexia program provides assessment and intensive interventions to those students identified as being dyslexic. The areas of intervention include: phonological awareness, sound-symbol association, syllabication, orthography, morphology, syntax, reading comprehension, and reading fluency. Intervention for students with dyslexia is multisensory, systematic and cumulative, explicit, diagnostic, synthetic and analytical. Students who meet the DISD criteria for services are served on their home campus by teachers specifically trained in Dyslexia. The program is taught five days per week for 45 minutes per day. DISD students identified with dyslexia may receive dyslexia instruction in either English or Spanish. It is intended for one-on-one or small group instruction with no more than six students per class. Dyslexia support services are provided on all district campuses K-12.
The guidelines and procedures adopted are designed to correlate to the identification and instruction of students with dyslexia and related disorders adopted by the State Board of Education in 1992, mandated by the state of Texas and presented in:

The Dyslexia Handbook: Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders

Senate Bill (SB) 2075 requires school districts to notify the parents or guardians of students determined to be dyslexic, or to be at risk for dyslexia or other reading difficulties, that you have access to the Talking Book Program (TBP) maintained by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The TBP provides students with reading disabilities the ability to borrow audiobooks free of charge, and includes over 100,000 titles, hundreds of which are in Spanish.

All kindergarten and first grade students are screened for being at risk for dyslexia. Seventh grade students who are not successful on the sixth grade Reading STAAR test are screened for reading difficulties at the beginning of their seventh grade year. All parents are given written notification after the screening to share the results of the screening process.

A request for a dyslexia evaluation may be made at any time. If you suspect that your child may need to be evaluated for dyslexia, please contact your campus administrator regarding your concerns. They will be able to assist you with this process.