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Socrates Scholar Program


The Denison High School Socrates Program is an initiative of the Denison Independent School District to encourage each student to achieve his or her maximum potential. The program honors Denison High School students who have completed four years of English, science, mathematics, and social studies.



  • 16 credits in the core areas- 4 from each area.
  • A minimum of 8 credits from Advanced courses or AP classes (The eighth course may be taken during the second semester of the senior year)
  • A minimum of a 3.5 GPA obtained by the end of the first semester of the senior year
Each Socrates graduate will be honored at a banquet, acknowledged on awards night, and recognized at graduation. Their parents will receive preferential seating during graduation exercises.
For more specific information concerning the program, please contact the Denison High School counseling department at 903-462-7615.