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Special Education Services

The Denison Independent School District Department of Special Education, in partnership with parents and the community, is committed to providing specialized academic and behavioral support services to students with diverse needs in order for them to be fully engaged in high-quality learning environments that challenge and prepare them to be well-rounded, active members of society.

Department Beliefs:

  • Effective general education is the key to improving special education
  • Collaboration among educators leads to improved student achievement
  • Each student has the right to a challenging, rewarding and inclusive education
  • All students can learn and it is our responsibility to ensure that they do 

Department Goals:

  • All students with disabilities living within Denison ISD shall be identified and evaluated with regard to their need for special education services through an extensive Child Find process.
  • A free and appropriate public education will be provided to all students with disabilities, including a challenging learning environment that ensures progress appropriate in light of the student’s disability.
  • Each child with a disability will receive related services, accommodations, supports, or modifications that address the needs of the child to make academic progress and support annual goals.



Supplemental Special Education Services

Supplemental services are now available for students who are low income and severely impacted due to COVID. Families may create an online account for: purchase tutoring, OT/PT, BCBA, textbooks, computer software/hardware.

Parents can access these accounts, which include $1500 credit per student.

These accounts are available through 2022. To be eligible, students had to be enrolled in Texas Public school 19-20 and 20-21 with an IEP.

Families must apply through a website or mobile app in order to provide the necessary information. TEA will determine if they are eligible to receive services or not, or to be placed on a waiting list. This information will be supplied to third party vendor and parents will be notified. Parents will then go in and register for the online account and once in the online account, can make determination for types of services they wish to access




Social Emotional Learning Resources

For the Home and Holidays

Promoting SEL at Home is a series of developmentally appropriate social and emotional learning (SEL) resources for parents, families, and caregivers to use at home.

  • Parent conversations from infancy through high school.CLICK HERE

  • Supporting Children and Teens During the Holiday Season CLICK HERE

  • Taking Care of Yourself CLICK HERE

  • Simple Activities for Children Adolescents reduce screen time. CLICK HERE


ARD Committee Notice

ARD Committee Can Waive Additional STAAR Tests

With the passage of HB 657 during the 85th Texas Legislative Session, an ARD committee is now required to meet before the second administration of the STAAR reading or mathematics assessment when a student receiving special education services in grade 5 or 8 fails to perform satisfactorily on the first administration.

During this meeting, the ARD committee must determine the required accelerated instruction and if the student will be promoted or retained. The bill adds that promotion must be based on the student's performance on his or her IEP goals. The student is not required to take the subsequent STAAR administrations.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Lori May, Director of Special Education Denison ISD (903)462-7020.

El Comité de ARD puede omitir pruebas adicionales de STAAR

Debido a la sanción de la ley HB 657 durante la Sesión Legislativa nro. 85, se requiere que el comité de ARD se reúna antes de la segunda administración de la prueba STAAR de lectura y matemáticas cuando un estudiante recibe servicios de educación especial en el 5to. o 8vo.  grado y no logra un desempeño satisfactorio en la primera administración.

Durante ésta reunión, el comité de ARD debe determinar la instrucción acelerada requerida y si el estudiante será promovido o retenido.  La ley agrega que la promoción debe basarse en el desempeño del estudiante con respecto a las metas del IEP.  Al estudiante no se le requiere que tome pruebas subsecuentes de STAAR.

Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, por favor no dude en contactar a Lori may, Directora del Departamento de Educación Especial, Denison ISD Special Education, (903)462-7020.   


Child Find

  • Child Find is a legal requirement that Local Education Agency (LEA) find all children who have disabilities and who may be entitled to special education services.
  • Child Find covers every child from birth through age 21.
  • The LEA must evaluate any child that it knows or suspects may have a disability.
You may not have heard of the Child Find mandate. It’s a legal requirement for schools to find children who have disabilities and need services. Identifying these kids is an important first step toward getting them the help they need to succeed in school.
A request for a special education evaluation may be made verbally; it does not need to be made in writing. Districts must still comply with all federal prior-written notices and procedural safeguard requirements as well as the requirements for identifying, locating, and evaluating children who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education. However, a verbal request does not require the district to respond within the 15 school-day timeline.
For more information on the Region 10 Child Find program, CLICK HERE.
Para información en español, PULSE AQUÍ