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District School Absence Note


When a student is absent from school, the reason for that absence must be provided to Denison ISD within 3 days of the students' return to school. A hand-written note or text document from the parent must be uploaded in the form to be completed below. Phone calls will not be accepted as documentation. A phone call from the school verifying the parent note may be expected in some instances. A note signed by the student, even with the parent's permission, will not be accepted unless the student is 18 or older or is an emancipated minor under state law. The District will document whether the absence is considered by the District to be excused or unexcused in the student's attendance records.

Note: The district is not required to excuse any absence, even if the parent provides a note explaining the absence, unless the absence is an exemption under compulsory attendance laws.


Upon return to school, a student absent for three (3) or more consecutive days because of a personal illness must submit a statement from a doctor or health clinic verifying the illness or condition that caused the student's extended absence from school. Otherwise, the student's absence may be considered unexcused and, if so, would be in violation of compulsory attendance laws.

Please complete the form below to document your student's absence. You will need to sign the form and click SUBMIT at the end.


Denison ISD School Absence Note


School Absence Note (Nota de absentismo escolar)

Please explain why your student was absent from school so that we may enter the appropriate absence code. (Por favor, explique por qué su estudiante se ausentó de la escuela para que podamos introducir el código de ausencia apropiado.)

Note: The school must receive this completed form and any required documentation within 3 school days of your child's return to school. (Nota: La escuela debe recibir este formulario cumplimentado y toda la documentación requerida en un plazo de 3 días lectivos a partir del regreso de su hijo a la escuela.)


Student Name (nombre estudiante):required
First Name
Last Name

Absence Information (Información sobre ausencias)

A description of the section goes here. (Aquí encontrará una descripción de la sección.)

Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
Parent/Guardian Name (Nombre del padre/madre/tutor):required
First Name
Last Name