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Remind Notifications


Denison ISD utilizes the app Remind as our mass notification tool.  This app allows for emergency notifications to be sent, but will also allow your child’s campus and teacher to communicate with you directly more efficiently and all in one convenient tool.
Denison ISD tries to make sure that every student has at least 1 guardian connected.  The contacts in the Remind system are the ones marked as “guardian” in our student information system, so only those contacts should expect to receive Remind notifications and messages.

Messages will arrive via text message if your phone number is listed as “mobile” in our student information system.  Phone numbers listed as “home” will receive a phone call.
If you should receive messages and do not, please follow these steps to contact the Technology Team and they will assist you.

  • Click the button below to open a request with the Technology Team

Submit Technology Request for Assistance


  • A page will load asking for your name, email address, and your child’s campus.  Please complete all fields and click “CONTINUE AS GUEST”
  • You will receive an email at the address you entered above with a code.  Enter that code on the next screen and click “Confirm”
  • Provide as much information as you can to help identify the issue.  Please include your child’s student ID number, your name, and your phone number.

On the next screen, click “Not Receiving Calls”

Parents Information

Provide as much information as you can to help identify the issue.  Please include your child’s student ID number, your name, and your phone number.

Parents information'


  • A technician will contact you when your contact information is corrected.