DISD teachers team up to create Jackets’ Little Libraries
Take a book… leave a book. The desire for students to have increased access to books during the summer is what drove this little project. Little free libraries are miniature libraries that resemble a mailbox. Students can place personal new or used books that they are finished with to share with other students, or they can take a book out to enjoy. It is as simple as that… take a book, or leave a book.
Jackets’ Little Libraries are exciting for Denison ISD because many times students cannot make the commute to the public library during the summer. By placing little free libraries on each campus, books come to our students, even when school doors are closed. It is of the utmost importance to DISD librarians that students have summer access to books and this is just one small step in the right direction.
Last year, Kari Uber, Denison ISD’s library coordinator and SMS librarian, contacted Rick Conditt, Denison High School Construction Technology Instructor, about the possibility of his students building a little free library for each campus.
“The answer was a resounding yes! His students worked diligently on these libraries throughout the year when they had finished any current projects. This school year, his next group of students painted the Jackets’ Little Libraries with our iconic yellow and gold,” Uber said.
After paint was completed, Uber contacted Aaron Pridemore, the Denison High School Ag Mechanics instructor for the possibility of allowing his students to create the library signs. His students took the opportunity and ran with it. Carter Hayes, Denison High School junior, designed the signs and many other students utilized a laser to print out the signs displayed on the Jackets’ Little Libraries boxes. Once all the construction stages were complete, DISD maintenance crew members Gary Payne and Tim Power began installing each of the libraries on campuses.
“I hope that members of the community and our own students and teachers will begin filling these libraries with books that students can begin enjoying now! This has been a group effort and we cannot wait to see the impact this one little project will make on our district and our community,” Uber said.
With the new Little Library boxes located on Denison ISD campuses, students are able to share books with others and pick up books to read when schools are not in session.
Denison High School junior Carter Hayes prepared the design for the display signage that will be on the front of each Little Library.
Denison ISD lead librarian Kari Uber says the Little Library boxes are a wonderful example of a team of teachers putting all of their skills together to create beneficial tools for all Denison Yellow Jackets.
Aaron Pridemore, Denison High School Ag Mechanics instructor
Rick Conditt, Denison High School Construction Technology Instructor