How Can Parents Help?
Even with your best efforts, your child will miss some days of school for important reasons. The attendance laws are designed to make sure that the missed days of school don’t interfere with your child’s academic achievement and earned credit. It is very important that you stay in constant communication with your child’s school so that your child may receive all of the support and resources available to promote academic success.
How Do You Ensure Your Child Does Not Miss Too Much School?
Stay in constant communication with your child's camp, and make sure they know when absences are necessary for your child. There are many resources the campus can refer to you that may assist families in a crisis.
When scheduling appointments with health care providers, choose a time that will allow your child to begin or end their day at school. A student who has an appointment with a health care provider but attends school for a part of that same day or class will receive credit for attending the whole day or class.
Review Denison ISD’s school calendar and, whenever possible, schedule health care appointments and family trips/vacations before or after school, or during school breaks or holidays.
Switch between morning and afternoon appointments so that your child doesn’t miss the same class all the time.
Attend tutoring sessions anytime instructional time is lost due to attendance.
Tips For Good Attendance
Establish and stick to the basic routines (early bedtime, set wake up time, laying out outfits, etc.) that will allow your child to develop a habit of on time attendance.
Consistently talk to your child about why going to school every day is important. Help your child get excited about going to school.
Do not allow your child to stay home unless they have a contagious illness or are too sick to be confortable. Sometimes your child may not feel well, but are not sick enough to stay home.
Come up with a "plan B" for who you and your family can rely on to help get your child to school when something comes up.
Schedule doctor, dentist, or other health care appointments on early release days, school holidays, or at the beginning or end of the school day.
Schedule vacations or other non-school related activities during days when students are not scheduled to attend school.
If your family runs into personal setbacks (car trouble, loss of income, divorce, family illness, etc.) or anything that will affect how your family functions, reach out to the school and ask for help. The campus can help you connect with needed resources.
Stay involved and in constant communication with your child's school. Read all information that is sent home with your child.
When your child is absent, work with teachers to provide your child with additional opportunities to learn and make-up work.
Follow district policy for reporting absences and submitting absence documentation within 3 school days of your child's return to school.
Monitor your child's attendance through. If an absence is marked incorrectly, contact the campus attendance clerk.