Lamar students celebrate “International Day of Peace”
The walls in Katy Price’s second grade classroom at Lamar Elementary are a tangible and visual testament to the class theme, “Peace, Love and Learn.” Peace signs share bulletin board space with vocabulary words. Colorful flowers and low lighting soften the sharp edges of math problems. A framed heart promoting love and peace leans against a small blackboard with colorful letters that say, “Every day is a chance to learn!”
“Needless to say, we were all very excited to celebrate the United Nation’s “International Day of Peace,” said Price. “We dressed and played the part, incorporating the theme into a full day of learning. The kiddos learned the history of how this day came to be and were able to relate our peaceful classroom culture to this world-wide celebration.”
Price said they spent much of the day reading children’s literature, singing songs and doing writing activities to help the students better understand the meaning and importance of peace. “Since this day is recognized in other countries, my students also learned how to say “peace” in many different languages. They loved it!”
The students also used their five senses to think about and describe the meaning of peace.
“Peace is like the sound of rain hitting the ground,” said Ryan.
“Peace looks like an angel that just came down from Heaven,” added Max.
Because peace means coming together, Price said all Lamar second graders celebrated together during recess. “We formed a giant peace sign on the playground and had our picture taken. The kids were amazed after seeing the picture on our Friday school video and realizing how their individual roles played a significant part in coming together. Even though this day is only recognized once a year, the celebration will continue to motivate all of us to be peaceful citizens throughout the year…both inside and outside the walls of our school. It was a great day. I think we all walked away better students and teachers…and better people.”